Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Assignment 2: Castle of Otronto

After reading The "Castle of Otronto", I feel as if the novel is based on tragic romance. Throughout the story, numerous characters fall in love with someone that is considered unattainable. For example, Manfred is determined to marry Isabella, who has feelings towards Theodore. The reader can sense that Manfred's marriage to Isbaella is never going to happen, due to the fact that he is already married to Hippolita, and there are too many obstacles that are preventing him from reaching this goal. Another example would be of Manfred's daughter, Matilda and of the life that she longs to share with Theodore. Manfred promises lord Fredric his daughter, and this destroys all chances that Matilda may have had for a marriage or love with Theodore. Lastly, the reader sees that Fredric is in love with Matilda, and although she is bound to marry him, her heart is somewhere else. None of these characters ever achieve the love that they truly wanted, and in the end, Theodore unwillingly decides to spend his life with Isbella, based on the sole fact that they are bonded to each other through the unfortunate death of Matilda. I feel as if the conclusion supports the reoccuring theme throughout the novel, that all romance ends tragically. The story ended with just enough information to grasp the concept that these characters are all destined to live unhappy lives with each other, but also left a sense of wonder with the reader.

1 comment:

  1. See what I saw in the end was that passion and perserverance can lead you to do something that you later regret. Almost like saying be grateful for what you have and seeing the cup half-full. Some people, like Manfred, get so concerned about their needs and wants that they don't realize what harm and hurt they are causing to the others. It is sad though at the end that some of the characters are not happy with the way things turned out, but hey that's life.
